The mural on the facade of DBP Balai Budaya Tun Syed Nasir symbolizes the unity of the Malaysian people who espouse the sentiment "Language is the Soul of the Nation" amidst the development of culture, education, economy, science and technology, expressed through one language, which is also the country's sole official language. The mural was composed by Ismail Mustam, an artist who was once a staff of the organization in 1961.
50sen Stamp
The logo of DBP comprises four elements - the palmyra palm frond set in the centre symbolises the writing og the old while the bracken or large fern leaf represents the instrument used to write on it, the book and nib at the base of the Palmyra leafsymbolises the publishing and writing activities of more recent times. These four elements symbolises the responsibilities of DBP as a body that develops the Malay language, literature and knowledge through writing and publishing. The logo was drawn in 1957 by Hoessien Enas.
RM1 Stamp
The stamp design reflects the recent progress of DBP in the era information and communication technology in the publishing industry.

Date of Issue : 22-Jun-2006
Stamp Value : 50 Sen ( Se-tenant ); RM 1.00
Stamp Size : 40 mm X 30 mm
Perforation : 14
Sheet Content : 20 Stamps
Paper : SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Printing Process : Lithography
Printer : Percetakan Keselamatan Nasional Sdn Bhd
Stamp Designer : Hazel Design
First Day Cover Value : 30 Sen
Folder Value : RM 5.00