Layang-layang is also known as 'wau' in the East Coast and Northern States of Peninsular Malaysia like Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis. The word 'wau' originated from the sound derived from the 'hummer' of the kite. When in flight, the hummer will form sounds of wau, wau, wau in rhythmic pattern. Wau Bulan, Wau Merak, Wau Kucing and Wau Jala Budi are the most popular traditional wau.
Wau Jala Budi
The name Wau Jala Budi is derived from a leaf found in Kedah called the 'budi' leaf. The tail of the wau is similar to the 'budi' leaf and the word 'jala' (net) refers to the structure of the tail of the Wau Jala Budi. However, the basic shape and design is similar to the other wau. When flown, the kite produces a medium buzzing drone emitted from the 'hummer' located at the head of the kite. The appearance of Wau Jala Budi is also similar to "Chula Kite" originated from Thailand.

Among the traditional kites, Wau Bulan is the most popular and most attractive in appearance. It is called Wau Bulan because of its crescent shape and tailpiece. According to legend, Wau Bulan originated from the Sri Wijaya Empire and symbolizes the reunification of the empire by Dewa Muda. Wau Bulan was used by Dewa Muda as a guide to determine the designated area to be

Wau Kucing
The design of Wau Kucing resembles the cat, and is most apparent when seen from the back, beginning with the head, body and tail. The specialty of Wau Kucing is its 'hummer' releasing a screeching, high-pitched sound, similar to the sound made by cats. The 'hummer' is also used to frighten away evil spirits and to forecast the following day's weather. The floral and plant motifs of the 'sobek' carvings on Wau Kucing are decorated in the same way as the Wau Bulan.

Wau Merak is also known as Layang-layang Kipas (Fan Kite), believed to have originated from Sulawesi, Indonesia and is flown mainly by the Bugis community. The design assimilates the characteristics of the peacock and is not restricted by any particular size. The specialty of the Wau Merak is its 'hummer'. The 'hummer' of the Wau Merak is capable of producing seven different melodies or sound. The Wau Merak originally was played at night because of the beauty of the melodies or sound release. The decorative elements on the body of Wau Merak are mostly of plant origin, namely creepers such as pepper and betel nut.

Date of Issue : 10-Oct-2005
Stamp Value : 30 Sen; 50 Sen; RM1
Stamp Size : 40 mm X 30 mm
Miniature Sheet Value : RM 2.00
Miniature Sheet Size : 100 mm X 70 mm
Stamp Size in Miniature Sheet : 40 mm X 30 mm
Perforation : 14
Sheet Content : 20 Stamps
Paper : SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated

Printer : Percetakan Keselamatan Nasional Sdn. Bhd
Stamp Designer : Reign Associates Sdn. Bhd
First Day Cover Value : 30 Sen
Presentation Pack Value : RM 4.00
Folder Value : RM 5.00